I have found that being around others lately has been a very good system for being held accountable in this new lifestyle. I have found my mind wandering to rationalizations and possibilities of how I could deviate without feeling like a total loser. That's not really a good sign, so I'm trying to nip that in the bud. And I remind myself that I don't really want to do that. I wonder why living a healthier lifestyle is so difficult. Why do I desire to do things that I know are not good for me? Well, obviously from a simplistic approach, food tastes good - especially goodies that aren't really all that good for you.
I have truly grown to appreciate the simple, yet abundant flavors found in fruits and vegetables alone, yet the call of deep fried food and super sugary treats whisper my name. Every day for 15 weeks now, between 3 to 6+ times a day I choose to ignore those whispers and have reaped the benefits of staying the course. Like I've mentioned, I definitely haven't been perfect, but that is okay. This is also a growth area for me as I expect perfection from myself and it has been hard to be okay with being less than what I want to be.
On a separate note:
For the next two weeks I'll be tracking every piece of food that I eat and then I will meet with Dr. Nutrition to review it. I have found myself getting a bit more anxious about making sure I'm doing all of this in a healthy, good way. I am concerned that I'm not doing it right. :( I'm not exactly sure where this is coming from. I just really don't want to do my body harm. Dr. Nutrition keeps assuring me that I'm doing well, but we'll see what he says when he has actual data to base his opinion on instead of just my word.
Detox update:
I continue on my detox and haven't noticed any radical changes. I think had I been on a SAD diet I would have noticed lots of changes (probably very similar to what I went through when I switched over to raw vegan). I still feel good about deciding to do it even though I'm not experiencing 'fireworks' as I know that it is cleansing.
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