I am still here. :) Barely sometimes, but I am still here. Here's where my mind has been lately.
The more time that passes from the initial shock of getting the not-so-great news this past spring regarding the progression of the MS the less freaked out I am about it and the less compelled I feel to be so drastic with my health.
I need to find my new normal. What does the raw vegan lifestyle look like when I'm not so scared? What are my REAL motivators for change? How much do I truly care about my overall health? How seriously am I going to take this? I have worked REALLY hard these past four+ months to get to where I'm at now and I refuse to sabotage myself.
I have truly meant every word I have written on this blog and my intent in creating this blog was to document my journey and to be able to share with others the wonderful benefits of this lifestyle. My own writing has been helpful to me lately because I have been able to go back and re-read what I have written and what I have gone through. It has served as a reminder and as encouragement for me during this particular time.
I feel like I am in the midst of a time of change (again!) and I don't believe that change is headed back towards the SAD lifestyle. Instead, I am trying to define what being raw vegan means in my daily life. I think anyone can do anything for a period of time, but what does it REALLY take to make a true lifestyle change? I'm not quite sure yet. But I am bound and determined to find out.
I would love to hear any of your experiences in trying to implement a massive change in your lifestyle, in any area! I can use all the help I can get!
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