Another large area that it has impacted is how I approach dealing with the MS. Aside from the obvious (to me) physical symptoms I have had over the years, I have had NO IDEA what it was doing to the inside of my body (aside from doing damage to my brain and spinal cord). I never fully realized what having a chronic illness can really do to your body. My body is constantly trying to fight off this 'disease' and it always loses. Maybe I can help it out by making the changes I'm in the process of making. I want to help my immune system fight this battle!
Today I met with Dr. Hartman (nutritionist) again. We discussed a few things, so here's the recap. We more closely examined my bloodwork and these are the trouble areas:
- Cholesterol, Triglycerides and LDL were high (ironic, huh, given my diet? and the fact that I have had good levels for years - although he did tell me that other factors of my health are more likely the cause of this)
- Glucose is too low - i.e. hypoglycemia (this is why I need to eat every two hours)
- WBC (white blood cells) are too low (very typical of someone who has a chronic illness)
- Neutrophils are low (this is connected to the low WBC)
- SGOT (AST) is high (this is a liver enzyme and is most likely because of a previous medication I was on for MS)
- SGPT (ALT) is quite high (this is also a liver enzyme and is most likely because of a previous medication I was on for MS)
- GGTP is very high (this is an enzyme or protein made by cells lining the bile duct, which is sensative to any inflammation in the liver - again this is most likely because of a previous medication I was on for MS)
- Total Bilirubin is high (again, this is related to the liver issues)
- Sodium is one point higher than normal (supposedly connected to some of the other stuff going on)
- CO2 is too low (this is connected to energy, i.e. glucose, so it makes sense that this is low as well since my glucose is low)
- BUN is too low (again, connected to the low liver levels)
- Phosphorus is low
So this week I am beginning to take fish oil and also Glutathion (which is in a lotion/cream form). I need to have some additional bloodwork done to fine tune the regimen for the immune support I mentioned in my previous post so I anticipate getting started on that in the near future. These last few months have been a very, very good opportunity for me to practice my patience!
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