Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Green Smoothie Queen - Day 2

So I have gotten off my original plan and want to keep going on the Green Smoothie series I started posting...

If you missed the Introduction post, you can read it HERE.
If you missed the Day 1 post, you can read that HERE.

Content taken from my emails from the Green Smoothie Queen:


So how did it go? Did you stick one hand in your fruit bowl and one hand in your crisper and make your first Greeeeen Smoothie?

Was it yummy? Was it yucky? Or was it somewhere in the middle ... kinda "yum-cky"? You know ... not every green smoothie turns out. Oh boy, I remember some of the doozies I made in the beginning, especially with greens I'd never tried before. Here's a little hint: tear off a bit of the green stuff and chew it to see how it tastes on its own before you add it in. Then you'll have a better idea of how much to use. And when you're first starting, simpler is always better ... just try recipes with two or three ingredients.

You'd be amazed at how different one batch of kale can taste from the next depending on where it's grown, whether it's in-season or not, or how long it's been in your fridge (or the store where you bought it). One thing's for sure, each green smoothie you make - even if you use the same ingredients - will taste different!

Today I'm going to tell you about my favorite common ingredients to start out your green smoothie escapades. All you need to do is click below:


Soon you'll be like our green smoothie veterans, and you'll be ready for your first 10-Day Green Smoothie Challenge!

Have a great day at school my bright little Brussle Sprout!

The Green Smoothie Queen

Click "show and tell" and catch up with your blender buddies in The Emerald Lounge!

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